Unlock the full potential of your online business. It’s time to redefine selling and embrace a strategy that feels right—both for you and your customers.

Selling is an ART. When you understand your art, the sales process becomes seamless.


Ever find yourself hesitating when it comes to selling?

Or feeling uncomfortable and awkward when it comes to marketing your offer or service online?

You’re not alone.

Many have felt the knot in their stomach when it comes to selling. There’s fear of being pushy, fear of hearing a “no” and just an overall discomfort of feeling rejected.

What if I told you it doesn’t have to feel this way?

Selling shouldn’t feel like a battle—it should feel empowering and natural.

Imagine enjoying the process of making a sale, confidently putting yourself out there without the fear of being seen as pushy.

It’s not about forcing a sale; it’s about building connections and offering value.

And when someone says "no," it doesn’t have to feel personal

Let’s dive into the real art of selling together in this masterclass! 

Join me August 2nd and 4th @ 7:30 PM CST and I'll show you how to connect deeply with your audience. 

So they buy from you not because they feel pressured, but because they value what you offer.


What You'll Discover

Transform Your Mindset

Say goodbye to discomfort and hesitation. Discover how selling can be enjoyable and fulfilling.

The Joy of Selling

Selling doesn't have to be hard, scary, or icky. Find out how it can be enjoyable and empowering.



The fear of being rejected is an intense one, let’s change that feeling.                                       

Sign Up Now!

The Mind Behind the Masterclass ⬇︎

Deanna Herrin is an internationally recognized speaker, entrepreneur, and spiritual psychology coach dedicated to empowering women in business. With over two decades of experience as a top earner and leader in social selling, Deanna has impacted the lives of thousands of female entrepreneurs, helping them grow and scale their businesses with confidence and purpose. Deanna has a proven track record of helping women build six-figure businesses, with many of her clients reaching the million-dollar mark. 

As the founder of Limitless Confidence™, Deanna creates a global coaching space where heart-led, value-driven entrepreneurs thrive. Her unique, unconventional approach uncovers the blocks and patterns that hold you back, guiding you to discover your “Hell yes” self. 

Deanna's journey is one of resilience; she has spent years deprogramming conditioned beliefs and healing past trauma. With a focus on mindset and belief systems, she helps you see your divine truth. She teaches that money is a by-product of the person you become.

In 2022, Deanna launched her bestselling book, “Unbecoming: A Journey to Finding Her,” which quickly became a sensation, hitting bestseller lists in five categories and gaining recognition on national television.

Tune into her inspiring Limitless Podcast on Apple Podcasts and other platforms, where she shares insights and strategies to empower your entrepreneurial journey.

Certified in Spiritual Psychology, e4© Trauma Method, and Hypnobreathwork, Deanna is committed to guiding you on a transformative path to success.

Join in as we explore the true art of selling, where every interaction is a chance to empower and serve.

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Mark your calendar for August 2nd and 4th @ 7:30 PM CST.

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